New Google My Business Report Will Help Business Owners Meet Google’s Website Core Vitals Parameters

scribendiBlog, Google, SEO

by Conor McDonough, Partner, Scribendi Digital Marketing

We just wrote about the importance of Google My Business, and now Google is adding another feature to the “behind the scenes” that helps business owners get an even more detailed idea of how people are finding them in a search!


This report shows business owners exactly how they have been found every month in Google Maps and Google My Business. When you add this data to your website analytics, you get an even more comprehensive look at your audience.

How Can You Use This Data?

This report can help you to manage your website design and your Google My Business listing to meet the new Google “Website Core Vitals” parameters. If more and more mobile users are visiting your website, you can adjust your website interface to shorten their path to action. That could include adding a prominent contact button “above the fold” on a phone or tablet, because if a search user has already read through your properly flushed out GMB listing chances are that, moving forward, they will go to your website to contact you, rather than learn more.

Google is training users to use GMB as headline resource and your website as a center for expanded information to be used after your business has been engaged by that user.

Take control of your GMB listing and make sure your website is designed for a smart phone first! Call Scribendi at (339) 244-4222 today or schedule a video call with our team by emailing us at

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